April 06th, 2018

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CVBF will promote EPTRI project at BIAT 2018 event

The BIAT event – Borsa dell’Innovazione e dell’Alta Tecnologia –  that will take place in Naples, Italy, on 19th-20th April 2018, is an international travelling event within the initiatives “Piano Export Sud II”, a program of actions for the promotion of internationalization and business innovation.

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Save the date – “EPTRI: a new European Research Infrastructure to foster the translation research in paediatrics”, April 10th, Bari (Italy)

The next meeting of the ID-EPTRI (European Paediatric Translational Research Infrastructure) project, entitled “EPTRI: a new European Research Infrastructure to foster the translation reserach in paediatrics”, will be held on April 10th in Bari (Italy) at the Salone degli Affreschi of the University of Bari, in Piazza Aldo Moro, 1.

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DEEP Final meeting: preliminary results

The DEEP (DEferiprone Evaluations in paediatrics) project, a 6-year European Project (FP7) coordinated by CVBF and comprising 23 recruiting centres in European and non-European countries, scientific partners from several European countries and a pharmaceutical group based in Canada, is at the final rush and has presented its preliminary results in Milan on February 28th – March 1st, 2018.

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CVBF supports the Rare Disease Day 2018

Again this year CVBF is glad to support The Rare Disease Day 2018, that will take place on 28th February 2018, to raise awareness of rare diseases and their impact on patients’ lives amongst the general public and decision-makers. The Rare Disease Day was first launched by EURORDIS and its Council of National Alliances in 2008, but soon this initiative spread all over the world involving 94 countries un 2017.

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ID-EPTRI Kick-off-meeting: a great success in Rome

The ID-EPTRI project has been launched in Rome on 15th-16th January, 2018 at the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), with more than 100 attendees.
The project has been funded within the INFRADEV-01-2017 H2020 call for proposals to realise a new Research Infrastructure (RI) completely dedicated to paediatrics and involves 26 partners from EU and non-EU countries including consolidated research infrastructures, top-level universities, scientific and clinical centres of excellence in Europe.

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TEDDY General Assembly in Rome 2018 Rome, January 14th, 2018

The TEDDY General Assembly (GA) entitled “A new phase for paediatric clinical research: a play role for TEDDY?” was held in Rome to provide an update on the achievements reached by the Network over the last years.

Since 2005, when the Network arose from the Task-force in Europe for Drug Development for the Young and was funded within the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Commission, it has reached several goals, becoming category 4 Member of Enpr-EMA (European Network of Paediatric Research at the European Medicines Agency) in 2014 and category 1 in 2016. In 2018, TEDDY has assumed a legal status to be fully represented in the European paediatric research framework.

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About the Author: Flogert Dollani


By Published On: April 6th, 2018Categories: Newsletter0 Comments