We provide support in all phases of a clinical study through cutting-edge services ranging from study start-up to biostatistic analysis. Our expertise goes beyond traditional clinical studies covering also health data driven solutions
By combining flexibility, quality  and experience with an innovative scientific  approach,  the  use  of digital technologies and the creation of solid networks, we support our clients with tailored solutions to their needs.

Strategic Consultant Services​

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Study Start-up​

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Monitoring & Site management​

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Data Management​

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Medical Writing

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Project Management​

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Quality Assurance and Auditing​

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Health data driven services

Observational studies
  • Epidemiological studies​
  • Adherence studies​
  • COA and PRO studies
  • Comparative post-authorization efficacy and safety studies (PASS and PAES)​
  • Discrete Choice Experiment for preferences analysis (Patiens/Clinicians)​
  • Pharmaco-economic studies
Desk studies
  • Position/white papers
  • Guidelines (Grade method)
  • Systematic Reviews & Meta-Analysis
  • Policy studies
  • Mapping of centers of reference
  • Patient journey analysis
  • Analysis of the treatment and competitive landscape
  • Advisory Board/Working group/Expert opinion (Delphi method)/Survey​
  • Congresses / Conferences / Webinars​
  • Educational Programs (business employees; public stakeholders and patients)​

Our numbers

Many activities in the clinical field are mainly conducted in the context of EU funded projects

Activities are focused on the development and application of innovative methodologies in clinical trials for small populations (e.g. rare diseases, paediatrics), as well as the management of interventional, non-interventional, health technology assessment, pharmacoeconomic studies, and disease registries.

Beside the conduct of classical clinical studies, CVBF has developed innovative models for clinical trials, leading research activities aimed at developing or improving scientifically, clinically, and logistically plausible alternatives to the classical designs for paediatric studies. Such results have been included in training courses and peer-reviewed publications and have been applied in paediatric clinical trials.

Here is the list of the performed/ongoing studies:

Clinical trials
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Non interventional studies
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Pharmaeconomic analyses
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