CVBF collaborated with its member Fondazione per la Ricerca Farmacologica “Gianni Benzi” and the European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (ECRIN) on an article published on the Clinical and Translational Science Journal, entitled PedCRIN tool for the biosamples management in paediatric clinical trials.

This research paper regards the need to develop and implement specific procedures and guidelines on the management of biological specimens in paediatrics.

Our researchers presented an easy-to-use tool, developed as part of the PedCRIN project, to guide investigators, sponsors, and research stakeholders involved in paediatric clinical trials in the management of these samples and associated data in compliance with applicable European standards. CVBF has been one of the partners in the PedCRIN project, and our CEO, Donato Bonifazi, acted as Work Package 3 “Tools for paediatric trials” Leader.

The full text manuscript is available here.

About the Author: maria


By Published On: February 17th, 2023Categories: News0 Comments