On 27 June 2023, Mariagrazia Felisi, our Quality Assurance Head and Internal Auditor, co-chairing the “AICRO Clinical Trial Center Working Group”, opened and led the workshop, titled “Applicazione del regolamento UE sulla sperimentazione clinica in Italia: esperienze a confronto”, took place at the “Salone di Rappresentanza dell’Azienda Ospedaliera SS Antonio e Biagio e C. Arrigo” in Alessandria.

This workshop provided a unique platform for experts to engage in in-depth discussions regarding the European Regulation 536/2014 and its implications on clinical trials. The focus of this gathering was into operational experiences, challenges, and novel approaches employed by Clinical Trial Centers, CROs, and non-profit promoters during the submission process via the CTIS portal.

This workshop facilitated a comprehensive exploration of the challenges and opportunities presented by the EU clinical trial regulation. The insights shared by leaders and experts, including Mariagrazia Felisi, contributed to a greater understanding of the intricacies involved in conducting clinical trials in Italy and across Europe.

About the Author: Flogert Dollani


By Published On: December 16th, 2023Categories: News0 Comments