It is possible to capture and communicate the essence of International Children’s Advisory Network (iCAN) through the art? Can a drawing explain the importance of the role of iCAN organisation? This was asked to Emanuela Ruscitto, one of the members of KIDS Bari, who succeeded to create a drawing and a video representing the strength, the multiculturality and tenacity of the iCAN members.

In occasion of the year-end thanks and greetings, iCAN invited its youth members to share a creative idea showing special thanks from iCAN to all its members for the work performed and the efforts put in 2019.

Emanuela’s idea was selected for this purpose and she shared her original work entitled “Different but same”. As Emanuela explained “it could be nice to recollect all the iCAN members in a singular one, portrayed with a selection of our different characteristics.”

Have a look at Emanuela’s video and read iCAN’s special thanks here.

About the Author: maria


By Published On: December 20th, 2019Categories: News0 Comments